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October 6, 2021

RCCIP Application Window Open in Michigan

First Children’s Finance is seeking applications for its Rural Child Care Innovation Program (RCCIP) in Michigan. 6 rural Michigan communities will be selected to participate in a community engagement process designed to address rural child care shortages. Applications will be accepted from October 1, 2021 – October 29, 2021.

Child care is an economic driver for rural communities across Michigan, but many communities are facing shortages of high quality child care. Funded by the MI Department of Education, First Children’s Finance’s Rural Child Care Innovation Program (RCCIP) is an innovative community engagement process designed to increase the supply of quality, affordable child care in rural communities. The purpose of RCCIP is to guide communities in identifying the scope and size of their child care challenges, and to empower and support communities to develop solutions to address these challenges.

“We’re thrilled to expand the RCCIP opportunity to rural communities in Michigan. Child care is essential to the health of communities and the strength of rural economies,” stated James Henderson, FCF’s Michigan Director. “First Children’s Finance has been instrumental in increasing the supply of child care in rural communities, and we are looking forward to making this important program available across Michigan.”

Communities with identified child care challenges impacting the economic health of their community should consider submitting an application to the Rural Child Care Innovation Program. Child care shortages have a broad impact beyond the family, and communities need to address these issues with right-sized solutions that meet their unique needs.

Interested communities can attend an informational webinar and complete their applications on the RCCIP project management site. Applications are due October 29, 2021.

Communities may also contact James Henderson, Michigan Director, for more information.
